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Legal Notice

Notice of Public Hearing- 06/25/2024 – Zone Code Amendment - STRs 

2024 Five Year Property Tax History of Levy

2024 Notice of Property Tax Increase

Notice of Public Hearing- 06/25/2024 – Zoning Map Amendments

Notice of Intention to Introduce Local Legislation

2024 Special Election Qualifying Packet 

Notice to the Public2024 Budget Proposal 

2023 Election Summary Report 

2023 Election Candidates 

Invitation to BidBid No. PW2023-0003 - Pine Lake Dam Repair Project 

2023 Notice of Election 

2023 Notice of Property Tax Increase 

2023 Five Year Property Tax History of Levy 

Notice Of Intent to Take Action 


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 – Public Hearing: Variance for 455 Oak Drive 

November 14th, 2022 Public Notice - Proposed Amendments to Pine Lake Charter

August 30th, 2022 Notice of Public Hearing - 4617 Park Drive

August 3rd, 2022 Special Municipal Election Qualification 

Special Election Qualification Packet

Notice Special Election - November 8th,2022

2022 Notice of Property Tax Increase

2022 Five Year Property Tax History

List of Candidates for Nov 2nd 2021 City Council Election

Public Hearing Presentation for 2021 Millage 

2021 Notice of Property Tax Increase 

2021 Five Year Property Tax History

2021 Notice of Election 

2021 Notice of public Hearing Draft - Special Called Meeting

2020 Notice of Establishing Millage Rate

2020 5 Year Tax History

Notice of Election on November 5, 2019

Current 2019 Tax Digest and 5 Year History of Levy

2018 Year Tax History

Notice of Property Tax Increase 2018

2018 Annual Appointments

Call for and Notice of General Municipal Election