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Solid Waste Management

Trash Pick-up Notice

Effective Dec. 1, 2018, Dekalb County will provide sanitation service to Pine Lake residents. Click here for more information, including subscribing to the residential recycling program


Services Provided by the City of Pine Lake

Pine Lake is a particularly fragile ecosystem. All of our residences are uphill from the lake, which means that whatever washes off of your property will eventually end up in the Lake or in the storm water system. Of course, we want to limit any inorganic pollutants from washing down, but leaves and other organic matter are also a problem as they build up sludge and foul the lake as well as clogging the storm water system. We all need to do what we can to keep our leaves to ourselves.

The Public Works department vacuums up the leaves in the street. This is accomplished with a very well used machine that probably saw its prime several decades ago.  Please do not rake leaves from your yard into the street unless you bag them immediately. The Public Works team has done a great job of keeping the vacuum truck working, but it will not last forever.